
I have a background in philosophy, specifically philosophy of science, and contemporary art. These two areas of study broadly inform how I approach my work. From philosophy, I take practices of curiosity. From contemporary art, I take practices of experimentation.

For 13 years, I worked primarily as a curator, both independently and institutionally. In making exhibitions, I approached galleries as civic spaces. This means that the meaning of an exhibition is not determined beforehand; it is made through engagement with publics, and this requires a commitment to convening across difference. The project of building shared understanding through cultural forms asserts a connection between the ideas embedded in artworks and the possibilities for transformation, be it as an individual or as part of a group.

From 2008–2019, I was the co-director of No Reading After the Internet, a salon series concerned with understanding the act of reading aloud as its own media form (with Amy Kazymerchyk and Alex Muir). I am a founding member of EMILIA–AMALIA, an exploratory working group that employs practices of citation, annotation, and autobiography as modes of activating feminist praxis (with Cecilia Berkovic, Annie MacDonell, Gabrielle Moser and Leila Timmins).

In the work that I do, I maintain a belief in—and commitment to—the possibilities for social, political and institutional relations to take new forms through collective imagining.

The “Curating,” “Talking” and “Writing” pages of this website detail my other professional activities.

Born in High Prairie AB, I am currently based on the unceded territories of xʷməθkwəy̓əm, Skwxwú7mesh and Səl̓ílwətaɬ Nations, which is also called Vancouver BC. I am a settler from the territories of the Michif Piyii (Métis) and Woodland Cree, which is Treaty 8 land. Better understanding my relations is an ongoing project for me. As someone who benefits from white privilege, I try to be responsible to the reciprocal obligation to dismantle the structures that enable white supremacy and perpetuate settler colonialism.

I can be reached at c [dot] turions [at] gmail [dot] com.